Dr. Sean C. Hagen
Sioux Falls Chiropractor
Dr. Sean C. Hagen is a 4th generation chiropractor in a family of 28+ chiropractors. Dr. Sean joined Back Specialists, LLC in South Dakota to work alongside his father in practice.
Advanced Proficiency Rating Activator Practitioner (1 of 5 in the Sioux Empire)
He studied at Baylor University as well as the University of Sioux Falls to gain his undergraduate degree; a Bachelors in Science. He received his doctorate in chiropractic from the Palmer College of Chiropractic, Davenport, Iowa in October 2022.
Dr. Hagen's early experiences had a profound impact on his career path. He often witnessed patients approach his father to express their gratitude for the care they received from him. These events inspired him to pursue a career centered around helping others.
A cherished memory from his childhood includes being adjusted by his grandfather on Christmas Eve, which underscored the significance of chiropractic care in his family. Working alongside the dedicated staff in his father’s office furthered his commitment.
Outside of his professional life, Dr. Hagen values time spent with his children, whether it’s engaging in outdoor activities, playing golf, preparing home-cooked meals for his family, or supporting the Minnesota Vikings.
Dr. Sean lives in Sioux Falls with his wife, Cassi and their two children.