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Dear Patient Family:


Our hearts go out to those impacted by COVID-19. We are grateful to the healthcare workers who are on the front lines of this pandemic. We continue to serve our patient family and while fear is a normal response we encourage you to INHALE – EXHALE.  Focus on staying fit and healthy, drink plenty of water, eat nutritious foods, isolate, protect and build your immune system.


What do we know? A virus works to quickly infect its host by targeting and then killing off special cells of your immune system; cells that are best equipped to neutralize a virus. Gray’s Anatomy (29th Edition, page 4) says, “Of the 9 systems in the body, the nervous system is supreme. It regulates and controls all other systems.” Chiropractic care is known to be a natural stimulant to the nervous system. When the nervous system is stimulated and functioning at its best, the other eight systems, including the immune system, greatly benefit.


For this reason, among many, I am proud to be a chiropractor and proud of this profession. You may be wondering what we are doing beyond care on our end to help you in the fight to stay healthy.


My staff implemented the following to assist in preventing the transmission of this contagion weeks ago.

  • We are following current directives from the Centers for Disease Control (CDC).

  • We have increased hand washing, use of hand sanitizers, and best practices for a sneeze or cough.

  • We have ramped up cleaning common areas; counters, computers, restrooms and equipment with disinfectant to minimize any possibility of transmission.

  • Employees stay home if they are not feeling well until symptoms abate.


What can you do to protect yourself and the ones you love?

  • HANDS  Wash them often singing the ABC’s or Row, Row, Row your boat 3 times.

  • ELBOW Cough into it, be sneeze/cough conscious – the virus is transmitted through droplets.

  • FACE No touching! Viruses are introduced from your hands through eyes, nose and mouth.

  • FEET Keep 6’ between you and others, practice responsible social distancing.

  • FEEL If you feel sick, stay home, cuddle with your pet and binge watch something great!


We realize that being in the company of others may concern a number of you. For this reason we have established a protocol to provide for an isolated patient encounter. If you are interested in learning more, please give one of my staff a call at 605-361-1700. They will be happy to explain what this appointment entails.

Until we see each other again, stay healthy.


Dr. Bruce Jon Hagen and Staff


Important Websites to help you stay informed:


SD Department of Health:

CDC  – COVID-19 Symptoms:

Hand washing tips:

Older Adults need to know:

Stop the spread of COVID-19:

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