Why would you consider ChiroHealth USA?
I have no health insurance and I am a cash-paying patient.
I have a high-deductible health insurance plan.
My health insurance does not cover chiropractic care.
I have a pre-existing wait period and I need treatment now.
I don’t want my health insurance to know that I am being treated for this condition, and I want to be a cash-paying patient at this time.
How does it work? Simple!
Your provider has entered into a contract with ChiroHealthUSA to accept discounted fees or charges from their “usual customary and reasonable” (UCR) charges. By joining the ChiroHealthUSA Program, you immediately become a member of ChiroHealthUSA and are eligible to enjoy these discounted fees. Your membership is just $49.00 a year and it includes you and your immediate family. Simply review the contract and complete the enrollment form. Your provider will collect the enrollment fee and submit it to us for processing. Your membership card will arrive in a matter of days.
Click Here for a Brochure about ChiroHealth USA
FAQ for Patients
Question: What is a DMPO (Discount Medical Plan Organization)?
Answer: A discount medical plan is a plan that offers discounts on health care services and may allow you and your dependents to save money on services not covered by your health insurance plan. Our company and DMPOs are typically regulated by the Department of Insurance in most states. Discount Medical Plans have been around for many years. They are often owned and operated by insurance carriers. For example, Sam’s Club has Healthy Allies, and uses United Health Care based networks. Cigna and Aetna also operate their own DMPOs. ChiroHealthUSA is somewhat unique in that it is privately owned and does not contract with any managed care organizations.
Question: How does membership in ChiroHealthUSA and ChiroHealthUSA-PLUS help the patient?
Answer: Discount plans can be beneficial to consumers looking to save money on health care costs. These plans offer savings to plan members on various health care goods and services such as prescription drugs, doctor visits, eye glasses, vision care, dental services and lab tests through arrangements between participating health care providers and the organization offering the discount plan. ChiroHealthUSA is NOT HEALTH INSURANCE AND SHOULD NOT REPLACE HEALTH INSURANCE.
How Discount Plans Work
Discount Medical Plans contract directly or indirectly with health care providers or provider networks to provide medical services at a discount to plan members. To become a plan member, you may have to pay fees, dues or other financial consideration to the discount plan organization. In exchange for the fee, you receive a discount, provided that you go to a participating health care provider and receive a service or product that is covered by the plan. Fees and discounts on services will vary. Each discount plan provides a plan member or plan member’s dependents a discount card. Members present the card to participating providers to receive discounted services, supplies, and related care.
The discount card includes:
a statement that the discount medical plan is not insurance;
information identifying the discount medical plan organization and/or the provider networks that participate with the discount plan; and
the telephone number that the plan member may call for assistance.
A discount medical plan organization notifies a plan member when there is a material change in plan benefits or with the information contained on the card. If changes warrant, the discount medical plan organization re-issues the discount card(s).
What You Should Know About Discount Plans
Discount plans are NOT health insurance. Discount plans offer:
No waiting periods
Unlimited access to services and providers
Acceptance regardless of existing health condition
No referrals necessary
Disclosures: ChiroHealthUSA – This is NOT INSURANCE.
The plan provides discounts at certain healthcare providers for medical services. The member is obligated to pay for all healthcare services, but will receive a discount from those health care providers who have contracted with the Discount Medical Plan Organization: Alliance HealthCard of Florida, Inc. P.O. Box 610810 Dallas, TX 75261 1-888-719-9990.
You have the right to cancel your membership at anytime. If you cancel your membership within 30 days of receiving your membership card and the membership materials, you are entitled to a full refund of your membership fees. Please notify the plan operator to obtain any refund due. Any complaints should be directed to Alliance HealthCard.